
Wishlist / March 14

1 Oversiced flower -cardigan (DRESSLILY) I want to combine it with overknees and a short black dress. (look here)
2 Gold watch (DRESSLILY) The watch looks very beautiful and noble and doesn't cost much.
3 Black and white cardigan (on EBAY) Look at the picture. Need I say more?
4 Butterfly-bralet (on EBAY) I think this one looks very good when you wear a wide T-Shirt.
5 Owl-blouse (ROMWE) I really really like this blouse and I really want to have it, because it looks so good! I hope that my boyfriend will give it to me as a present one day :D (this girl wears the blouse, too)
6 Bow-rainboots (ROSEWHOLESALE) This boots look sweet :3 Next months it will rain very often...
7 Transparent boots (MEE MEE) They just look so cool! You can wear them on rainy and on sunny days. Combine it with colorful socks!
8 Asian jacket (DRESSLILY) Last summer I dicovered a similar one at ZARA but hadn't had enough money :o(here)
9 Flower-dress (DRESSLILY) I want to wear this dress/T-Shirt in spring.

Wich one do you like mostly?
I think I can't buy all of them. :(   My favorites are 1, 5 and 8.. Or 7? I can not really decide :D 

Have a nice day,
 Maikie ♥
 Look at this, too: 


  1. nice post
    I really want a gold watch, have wanted it for many years now- should get to buying it real soon. I want a marc jacobs watch

    1. Yes, I think gold watches look better then silver ones. (mostly)
      I love gold watches :o !

  2. #3 please, I love that cardigan sweater.
    xx, Jodi

  3. Excellent selection. Love the floral dress and jacket.

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    Health and Fitness: http://purrple-ivy-fitness.tumblr.com/

  4. Danke für deinen lieben Kommentar :) Ich werde jetzt auch öfters bei dir vorbeischauen!

  5. I love the floral cardigan <333

  6. Hey :)
    Erstmal danke für deinen Kommentar.
    Leider geht Glitzer grundsätzlich immer schwer ab und zerzaust das Wattepad. Wenn Interesse besteht, werde ich gerne mal einen Post dazu schreiben, wie ich damit umgehe und welche Lösung ich für mich gefunden habe :)

    Liebe Grüße, Jana


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